General Assembly

The general assembly is composed of all the members and is the supreme governing body of LandAware. The general assembly monitors the progress of the network activities and evaluates new challenges and upcoming issues. The general assembly holds an ordinary meeting, either in presence or as an online event, once every two years. It may also hold an extraordinary meeting whenever necessary, at the request of the executive committee or at least of one-third of its members.

The general assembly, with a majority vote of the members present:

  • approves the admission and expulsion of members recommended by the Executive Committee;
  • approves Working Group Chairs appointed by the executive committee or substitutes them by electing new ones;
  • approves the creation of new Working Groups;
  • approves the objectives and the deadlines of Working Groups;
  • evaluates the work of Working Groups;
  • decides on any modification of the cooperation agreement and on the dissolution of the network (with a qualified two-thirds majority vote of the members present).