Catalog of LEWS (WG01)


The aim of this WG is to provide a description of the state-of-the-art of existing LEWS in form of a catalog. The aim is to describe established and operational LEWS, as well as those in a final development stage. National/regional LEWS will be described in the first phase, and later, also local LEWS will be incorporated, on condition that they are interconnected with regional.  The preparation of a homogenous international catalog of LEWS will be accompanied also with the revision of existing terminology and definitions used in LEWS and with a common understanding of their basic components.


Review of existing international terminology and proposal of a multi-language glossary of generally accepted terms and definitions used in LEWS.

Developing a commonly sharable catalog of LEWS that describes the state-of-the-art of territorial and local LEWS. The catalog will be prepared by reviewing existing literature that includes descriptions LEWS (i.e. Stähli et al 2015, Piciullo et al. 2018, Pecoraro et al. 2019, and Guzzetti et al. 2020) and/or by on/off-line interviewing members of the LandAWARE, for those cases not described yet in international literature. The catalog format will be based on common terminology and descriptors open to future addendum.

– Guzzetti F, Gariano SL, Peruccacci S, Brunetti MT, Marchesini I, Rossi M, Melillo M (2020) Geographical landslide early warning systems. Earth-Sci Rev 200:102973.
– Pecoraro G, Calvello M, Piciullo L (2019) Monitoring strategies for local landslide early warning systems. Landslides 16(2):213–231.
– Piciullo L, Calvello M, Cepeda JM (2018) Territorial early warning systems for rainfall-induced landslides. Earth-Sci Rev 179:228–247.
– Stähli M, Sättele M, Huggel C, McArdell BW, Lehmann P, Van Herwijnen A, Berne A, Schleiss M, Ferrari A, Kos A, Or D, Springman SM (2015) Monitoring and prediction in early warning systems for rapid mass movements. Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci 15:905–917.

Working Group Chairs

Chair: Hiroaki Nakaya (MLIT – Japan) contact me

co-Chair: Graziella Devoli (NVE – Norway) contact me