LEWS data (WG06)


To promote open data and sharing of information that can be used for landslide model development, parameterization, or evaluation. Relevant data includes landslide occurrence (location, timing, type of failure, triggering mechanism) and impacts (fatalities, damages, costs), as well as inputs needed for innovations in landslide early warning models (soils, vegetation, rainfall, soil moisture, seismic activity, etc.).


Identify needs for globally uniform data that could be used consistently in different geographic locations for developing landslide warning systems. Review data sources and inputs to previous and existing landslide warning systems. Explore the potential for a global landslide data dictionary, with links to publicly available information. Seek to identify benchmark datasets for future landslide model intercomparison projects.

Working Group Chairs

Chair: Dalia Kirschbaum (NASA – USA) contact me

co-Chair: Ben Mirus (U.S. Geological Survey) contact me