MayDay 2021 photo contest

LandAware MayDay 2021 photo contest
held during the MayDay round-the-clock conference

And the winner is

Stratis Karantanellis “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in nature“.


Photos participating in the contest

1) If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in nature.
By Stratis Karantanellis
2) Aerial photo of landslide at Hrvatska Kostajnica, Croatia.
By Tihomir Frangen
3) Landslide warning bell – Ticino, Switzerland.
By Stefano Luigi Gariano
4) Wakayama landslide, September, Iya, Tanabe City, Japan.
By Hiro Nakaya
5) Rotational landslide from Porto Fino coast, Salamina island, Attica, Greece.
By Nikolaos Tavoularis
6) Our team is working ON the landslide (Rize, Turkey).
By Nejan Huvaj
7) Rainfall-triggered landslides in Gundogdu, Rize, Turkey (2010) as viewed from helicopter.
By Mustafa Huseyinpasaoglu
8) To the limit of the lateral boundary of the Castell de Mur rockfall (Catalonia). By Jordi Pinyol Guamis
9) Landslide? Call 199 (ligue 199).
By Michele Calvello
10) Lateral spreading Tobut, Lopare municipality, Republic of Srpska, B&H.
By Cvjetko Sandić
11) Sampling for soil moisture analyses at Skredestranda.
By Søren Boje
12) Don’t get distracted by the sheep! What kind of landslides do you see over there?
By Graziella Devoli
13) Hong Kong territories: multiple shallow instabilities in the horizon.
By Vittoria Capobianco
14) Landslide Jølster, Norway 30 July 2019.
By Frode Sandersen
15) Kuhio Highway Mudslide, March 2021.
By Cody Stopka