LandAware MayDay 2021 photo contest
held during the MayDay round-the-clock conference
And the winner is

Stratis Karantanellis “If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in nature“.
Photos participating in the contest
 | 1) If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in nature. By Stratis Karantanellis |
 | 2) Aerial photo of landslide at Hrvatska Kostajnica, Croatia. By Tihomir Frangen |
 | 3) Landslide warning bell – Ticino, Switzerland. By Stefano Luigi Gariano |
 | 4) Wakayama landslide, September, Iya, Tanabe City, Japan. By Hiro Nakaya |
 | 5) Rotational landslide from Porto Fino coast, Salamina island, Attica, Greece. By Nikolaos Tavoularis |
 | 6) Our team is working ON the landslide (Rize, Turkey). By Nejan Huvaj |
 | 7) Rainfall-triggered landslides in Gundogdu, Rize, Turkey (2010) as viewed from helicopter. By Mustafa Huseyinpasaoglu |
 | 8) To the limit of the lateral boundary of the Castell de Mur rockfall (Catalonia). By Jordi Pinyol Guamis |
 | 9) Landslide? Call 199 (ligue 199). By Michele Calvello |
 | 10) Lateral spreading Tobut, Lopare municipality, Republic of Srpska, B&H. By Cvjetko Sandić |
 | 11) Sampling for soil moisture analyses at Skredestranda. By Søren Boje |
 | 12) Don’t get distracted by the sheep! What kind of landslides do you see over there? By Graziella Devoli |
 | 13) Hong Kong territories: multiple shallow instabilities in the horizon. By Vittoria Capobianco |
 | 14) Landslide Jølster, Norway 30 July 2019. By Frode Sandersen |
 | 15) Kuhio Highway Mudslide, March 2021. By Cody Stopka |