LandAware Workshop 2022

3-5 October 2022
Zürich/Birmensdorf, Switzerland

The LandAware network for the first time will meet physically in Zürich in October 2022. The main aims of the workshop will be to jointly review the first two years of the LandAware network and to discuss recent developments and current challenges in the field of landslide early warning.
We explicitly welcome both researchers, representatives of operational warning systems and other professionals related to landslide early warning.

Summary report

A playlist with all the recorded presentations is now on the
LandAware youtube channel

No workshop fee

Workshop participation, excursion and workshop lunches are free of charge.
Travel to Switzerland and to the conference site, accommodation and workshop dinner will be at the expense of the participants.


The workshop will take place at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL in Birmensdorf, (20 minutes by public transport from Zürich city). How to get to WSL Birmensdorf.

All participants are asked to make their own hotel reservation in Zürich. List of recommended hotels

Updated info related to the workshop will be published on the WLS website

(old programs and flyers)