LandAware network WG03 Communication with stakeholders

MayDay session on Communication and stakeholder engagement for LEWS

Blog post by Mirianna Budimir

We want to hear from you!

Challenges still remain in bridging the gap between providing scientific warning information and translating that into useful information for stakeholders. Best-practice guidance for early warning systems recommends engaging with stakeholders to co-produce useful forecast and warning information for decision makers. However, this is still a big ask and barriers, challenges, and gaps still remain in this process – including for landslide early warning systems. To address these challenges, LandAware have established a Working Group focusing specifically on this topic.

As part of the MayDay conference, Dr. Mirianna Budimir, Senior DRR Advisor from Practical Action, an international development organisation with global expertise in early warning systems, will share existing lessons and best practice from the wider early warning system field that can be applied specifically to landslide early warning systems. Using examples from operational landslide early warning systems, she will share key learning and practical recommendations about communicating warnings and engaging with stakeholders effectively.

As part of the session, we will invite participants to share their experiences of working with stakeholders and developing communication strategies for landslide early warning systems. We want to hear and share your experiences, challenges, strategies, successes, and lessons, in order to learn from each other within LandAware. Your reflections and questions will also inform the development of SHEAR programme guidance materials aimed at supporting better communication and stakeholder engagement for LEWS.

If you are interested in participating and contributing to the conversation, don’t forget to add it to your calendar:

20th May, 10:00-11:00 CEST

Contact us to feature in an upcoming publication

Are you involved in issuing landslide forecasts or warnings as part of an operational, live system? If so, please contact Mirianna to share your experiences outside of (or in addition to) the MayDay session. Your input will contribute to and could feature in an upcoming SHEAR programme publication which will provide examples and guidance on developing forecast information for institutional decision makers.

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