LandAware network News from members WG01 Catalog of LEWS

Glossary and Catalog of LEWS (WG01)

NEWS received from
Hiroaki Nakaya (NILIM-MLIT, Japan) and Graziella Devoli (NVE, Norway)

LandAware Working Group 1 releases its first/initial version of glossary and catalog as a result of its activities for the first two years.

These are tentative in their nature, but more than merely passing, collaborative efforts of related associates and observers of the WG during the Pandemic of COVID 19.

The outline was briefly discussed in the Workshop held in October 2022 in Zurich, and additional explanation is to be made in the Interpraevent in Taiwan, postponed until next April, 2023. 

It is hoped that members of the LandAware, together with other professional communities, refer to the common terminology enlisted in the glossary and to the Catalog, which definitely needs periodic update, to facilitate communication both internally within the community and externally  with-out for extensional purpose.

The catalog and the glossary can be reached though this link

They are open; and citation is to be made as “LandAware Working Group 1 Catalog, 2022.”

With much appreciation,

Chair Hiroaki NAKAYA of Japanese NILIM-MLIT and Co-Chair Graziella Devoli of Norwegian NVE.