News received from
Ben Mirus (USGS, USA) and Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)
On Thursday, 9 January, 2025, 3:00 – 4:00 pm CET, within the next WG5 meeting, Francis Rengers from the U.S. Geological Survey, St. Golden, will present his work on “Using Big Data for Postfire Debris Flow Situational Awareness”
Teaser: In semi-arid regions of the United States rainfall intensity thresholds are used to estimate when postfire debris flows may occur. Prior research has shown that postfire debris flows are highly correlated with short-duration rainfall intensity, and that short duration rainfall thresholds (e.g., 15-minute rainfall intensity) can be estimated based on wildfire and terrain attributes. Consequently, it is possible to determine possible debris flow activity in recent burn areas in the western U.S.A. by tracking rainfall rates using publicly available rainfall data. We have developed a software (FlowAlert) and an accompanying map dashboard that monitors when and where rain gages near burn areas cross rainfall intensity thresholds. The software runs continuously on a Linux server, processing more than 2500 rain gages every two hours.
In addition to this presentation (with Q&A) the WG meeting will include the following items:
- Pop-ups from the working group members (be prepared to contribute with your info to the group!)
- Info about recent and upcoming LandAware events and activities
- Outlook WG5
Zoom link to join the meeting: