LandAware network News from members

Landslide session in MedGU24

NEWS received from
Ugur Öztürk (Universtiy of Potsdam, Germany)

Dear colleagues,

this year, there is an exciting conference in Barcelona—the Mediterranean Geosciences Union (MedGU) annual meeting—between 25 and 28 November. It is the largest meeting dedicated to exchanging ideas on addressing critical societal and environmental challenges in the Mediterranean Region from the geoscience perspective.

Among several engaging sessions, we (Tolga Görüm, Olivier Dewitte, Anika Braun. Ugur Öztürk) suggested one dedicated to the landslide theme (Landslides: Processes, Hazard, Vulnerability, and Risk). Among these broad themes, we want to particularly emphasize landslide prediction and early warning. Hence we invite you to submit an abstract to this special session or any other at MedGU24.

Abstract submission deadline is 30th June 2024