News from members

AGU24 session: Landslide Life Cycle: From Hazard Analysis to Risk Assessment

NEWS received from
Ben Mirus (USGS, USA)

Dear colleagues (and apologies for any cross-posting),

We encourage you to submit an abstract to the technical session NH030: “Landslide Life Cycle: From Hazard Analysis to Risk Assessment” for the upcoming AGU Fall Meeting taking place 9-12 December 2024. This session has been running several years in a row and is the only broad session focusing specifically on landslides within the Natural Hazards section. We seek contributions that span the landslide life cycle, from understanding landslide hazards to communicating landslide science to reduce risk.

We have two invited speakers this year with unique and contrasting careers and perspectives on landslide hazards:

Professor Roy Sidle, University of Central Asia


Dr. Shelby Ahrendt, U.S. Geological Survey

This year’s meeting will be held both in-person in Washington, D.C., USA for those able to attend, and online with options for interactive participation.  Please share this message with anyone that you might know that would be interested in submitting to this session.  Session information follows, please note abstracts are due by 31 July 2024 at 23:59 Eastern U.S. Daylight Time (EDT)

Submit your abstract here.

We hope to see you there – either in person or online.  
Warmest wishes,
Ben Mirus (U.S. Geological Survey – Geologic Hazards Science Center)
Thom Bogaard (Delft University of Technology)
Luca Piciullo (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute)
Lisa Luna (U.S. Geological Survey – Geologic Hazards Science Center)


NH030: “Landslide Life Cycle: From Hazard Analysis to Risk Assessment

Landslide events have adverse and global consequences for human health and safety, infrastructure, economic activity, and natural resources. These hazards can accompany storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires, and may shift with climate and land-use change. Landslides can also cause their own cascading consequences like tsunami or river dams. New technologies and enhanced data analysis approaches have accelerated landslide mapping, monitoring, modeling, and outreach efforts, enabling improved characterization and communication of landslide processes and their societal impacts. This session brings together contributions that span the landslide life cycle, from understanding landslide hazards to communicating landslide science to reduce risk. We welcome a wide range of contributions on topics such as characterizing, mapping, and modeling recent or historical landslide events; susceptibility and risk modeling and communication; studies of individual hillslopes or regional scale efforts; rock and soil characterization; quantifying seismic, hydroclimatic, or other triggering mechanisms; and ground-based and remote monitoring.

LandAware network News from members

EGU24 session on LEWS Call-for-abstracts

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo (NGI, Norway)

The call-for-abstracts of EGU General Assembly 2024 is open!
#EGU24 will be held in Vienna, Austria, and online on 14-19 April 2024.
Don’t miss the chance to submit an abstract to our session entitled Towards innovative Landslide monitoring, modelling, and Early Warning Systems!

Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
– conventional and innovative slope-scale monitoring systems for early warning purposes
– conventional and innovative regional prediction tools for warning purposes
– innovative on-site instruments and/or remote sensing devices implemented in LEWS
– warning models for warning/alert issuing
– operational applications and performance analyses of LEWS
– communication strategies
– emergency phase management

The abstract submission deadline is 10 January 2024, 13:00 CET.

More info at:

Luca Piciullo,
Tina Peternel,
Stefano Luigi Gariano,
Neelima Satyam,
Samuele Segoni

LandAware network

LandAware get-together in Florence during WLF6 on Wed, 15 November

Registrations closed – sorry!

We would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Florence, Italy at WLF6 in November 2023 (particularly for the session 2.12: Landslide Early Warning Systems: Innovation and Applications)… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Wednesday, November 15, 2023 to not overlap with the Welcome Reception and the Forum Banquet scheduled by WLF organizers.

The get-together will be a self-funded, informal dinner by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant to be decided. We will communicate it soon.

If you are in Florence on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to fill this form (, as we need to know in advance the number of people participating to make a reservation.

Looking forward to seeing you in Florence at WLF6!

LandAware network

EGU23 LandAware get-together in Vienna on Thursday, 27 April

As we did in 2022, we would like to take advantage of the fact that some LandAware members will be in Vienna at #EGU23 at the end of April… to get together for one evening, to meet and talk in person.

We chose Thursday, April 27, 2023, because that’s the day many sessions on landslides prediction and early warning (particularly NH3.7 Towards innovative Landslide monitoring, modelling, and Early Warning Systems) are scheduled, thus we are assuming that if you will attend EGU23 , you will most likely be in Vienna on that evening.

The get-together will be an informal dinner with good Austrian beer, self-funded by the participants (unfortunately LandAware doesn’t have any funding to manage), in a restaurant/brewery: Salm Brau (webpage). We suggest we meet there at 7:30 PM.

If you are in Vienna on that day, and you like the idea, we ask you to FILL THIS FORM (, as we need to know in advance the number of people participating (a reservation is necessary in that place).

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna!

LandAware network

LandAware at the Global FOREWARN Meeting

On Wednesday 22nd February 2023, LandAware members participated to the Global FOREWARN Community meeting, with a special focus on landslides.

Here are the meeting minutes

Below the full recording of the meeting:

LandAware network News from members

Call for abstracts for WLF6, Florence (Italy), is open

NEWS received from
Manfred Stähli (WSL, Switzerland)

We would like to draw your attention to the session 2.12. “LANDSLIDE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS: INNOVATIONS AND APPLICATIONS” which is scheduled in the program of the 6th World Landslide Forum (Florence, Italy, 14-17 November 2023).

The session is open to contributions from researchers, agencies, decision-makers and practitioners and intends to cover every topic connected with LEWS, at every scale: methodological innovations, technical advances, operational implementations, reliability evaluation, documentation of case studies, communication strategies, social perception of warnings and management of uncertainties.

You can read the complete description of the session here, and submit your abstract at Please take note that the abstract submission deadline is set to 28 February 2023.

We wait for your contribution and we hope to see many LandAware colleagues in Florence next year!

Samuele Segoni, Manfred Stähli, Neelima Satyam, Annette Patton, Luca Piciullo and Graziella Devoli

News from members

Session on LEWS at EGU2022

NEWS received from
Luca Piciullo, Dalia Kirschbaum, Neelima Satyam, Samuele Segoni, and Stefano Luigi Gariano

The EGU General Assembly 2022 #EGU22 will return as an in-person/hybrid event to Vienna, Austria, from 3-8 April 2022, once again bringing together geoscientists from all over the world.
The session entitled “Towards reliable Landslide Early Warning Systems” is now open to receive your contributions.

The session focuses on LEWSs at both regional and local scales. The session wishes to highlight operational approaches, original achievements and developments useful to operate reliable (efficient and effective) local and territorial LEWSs.
Contributions addressing the following topics are welcome:
rainfall thresholds definition for warning purposes;
–  monitoring systems for early warning purposes;
warning models for warning levels issuing;
performance analysis of landslide warning models;
communication strategies;
emergency phase management.

More info at

The deadline for abstract submission is 12 January 2022, 13:00 CET.

For those applying for EGU Roland Schlich travel support, the deadline is 1 December 2021, 13:00 CET. Only EGU members with a valid 2022 membership will be able to submit abstracts to EGU22 and, with a few exceptions, only one abstract as first author will be permitted.

Note on presentation format: if you plan on participating virtually, you should submit your abstract to a vPICO session, since the oral/poster sessions will not provide the possibility for virtual presentation. If you plan on attending in-person in Vienna, feel free to submit to any session, vPICO as well as oral/poster sessions.

Looking forward to receiving your contributions and to meeting you all (in person or virtually) soon!
Luca Piciullo, Dalia Kirschbaum, Neelima Satyam, Samuele Segoni, Stefano Luigi Gariano